Coding Katas: Grinding for a sharp mind.

Hello, and welcome back to your least favorite corner of the internet. I want to talk about something that I found to be pretty cool, Programming Katas. To all my OG Karate Kid fans out there, programing katas are basically the “Wax-on, wax-off”‘s of the programing field.

Translating this to our world, programming katas are small, manageable coding exercises that challenge you to solve problems repeatedly, often in different ways. Each kata is designed to be tackled in one coding session, making them the perfect daily workout for your brain.

Just like playing scales can make you a better musician, regularly working through katas can make you a sharper coder. They force you to wrestle with new problems, reminding you of syntax you might have forgotten or introducing you to new methods and functions. Katas aren’t just about finding any solution; they’re about finding the best solution and then making it better. This iterative process of refining your code teaches you about the art of clean, efficient programming. It’s all about writing code that not only works but works beautifully. As you progress through different katas, you’ll find yourself picking up new programming concepts and deepening your understanding of the languages you use. Many katas come from community platforms like CodeWars, HackerRank, or LeetCode, where coders from around the world share their solutions and insights. Imagine solving a puzzle and then seeing a dozen different ways others have solved it. Boom, you’ve just struck learning gold.

Starting with programming katas is as easy as signing up for a platform that hosts them. Pick one that suits your taste and start with challenges that match your skill level. Personally I like the katas from CodeWars, the community problems and challenges push me forward to try and be better than what I was yesterday, or I just solve some problems just for bragging rights with my fellow programmer friends. Sites like have good starting exercises for people who just got in Kata’s so you might find that to be your particular cup of tea. Either way if you just find an exercise you fancy and work on that, it’s enough.
Don’t be afraid to struggle—that’s part of the learning process.

Incorporating katas into your daily or weekly routine can transform the way you code. They keep your skills fresh, introduce you to new ideas, and deepen your problem-solving abilities. Plus, they’re a lot of fun! Whether you’re a newbie looking to get better or an experienced dev wanting to stay on top of your game, give katas a try. You might just find yourself hooked, coding better, faster, and more creatively than ever before. Just remember that while Kata’s are fun and have several profits, do not fall behind on your school work or personal portfolio projects. The reason why you’re even grinding Katas in the first place is to become a better programmer for your main line of work.

Till next time,

Ano out.


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